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edoras one Java API (2.0.0)
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ACCOUNT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for an account work object.
Action - Interface in com.edorasware.api.action
Interface for a work object action.
ActionBuilder - Class in com.edorasware.api.action
Builds a new Action using a fluent API.
ActionConfigurationBuilder - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config.action
Configuration customizations for actions.
ActionConfigurationConfigurer - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config.action
Interface for beans that customize actions.
ActionContext - Interface in com.edorasware.api.action
Describes the context in which an action is being requested.
ActionProvider - Interface in com.edorasware.api.action
Provides Actions for a given ActionContext.
addActionProviders(ActionProvider...) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.action.ActionConfigurationBuilder
Registers additional action providers.
addAdvancedConfigurationProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.engine.EngineConfigurationBuilder
Configures additional process engine advanced configuration properties.
addAdvancedConfigurationProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.engine.EngineConfigurationBuilder
Configures an additional process engine advanced configuration property.
addBlacklistedPropertyNames(String...) - Method in interface
Configures additional blacklisted property names.
addMessageSourceBaseNames(String...) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.i18n.I18NConfigurationBuilder
Adds base names that will be resolved as an i18n message file.
after(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.TimestampOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter > referenceValue comparison.
afterOrEq(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.TimestampOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter >= referenceValue comparison.
ALL_SUB_STATES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectSubState
Contains all possible sub-state values.
ALL_WORK_OBJECT_STATES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectState
The list of all work object states.
and(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.Predicate
Concatenates this predicate with the given predicate to a combined predicate through a logical AND operator.
and(List<? extends Predicate>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Predicates
Concatenates the given predicates to a combined predicate through a logical AND operator.
and(Predicate, Predicate, Predicate...) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Predicates
Concatenates the given predicates to a combined predicate through a logical AND operator.
ApiController - Annotation Type in
An annotation that is itself annotated with RestController.
ApiControllerConfiguration - Annotation Type in
An annotation that is itself annotated with Configuration.
APP_MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for an app model work object.
APP_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for an app work object.
apply(Function<Predicate, Predicate>) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.MultipleNamedValuePredicate
apply(Function<Predicate, Predicate>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.Predicate
Applies the given transformation, returning the transformed predicate.
apply() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.UpdateBuilderMethods
Applies the changes defined by the builder.
Assert - Class in com.edorasware.api.util
Provides parameter checking assertion functionality.
assertCondition(boolean, String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.util.Assert
Throws an exception if the given precondition is not met.
assertNotEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.util.Assert
Throws an exception if the given parameter value is null or empty.
assertNotNull(String, T) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.util.Assert
Throws an exception if the given parameter value is null.
ASSIGNED_GROUP_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object assigned group ID.
ASSIGNED_GROUP_ID_UPDATE_TIME - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object assigned group update time.
assignedGroupId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object assigned group ID.
ASSIGNEE_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object assignee ID.
ASSIGNEE_ID_UPDATE_TIME - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object assignee update time.
assigneeId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object assignee ID.
asyncExecutorAsyncJobLockTimeInMillis(int) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.engine.EngineConfigurationBuilder
Configures the process engine asynchronous job lock time.
asyncFailedJobWaitTime(int) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.engine.EngineConfigurationBuilder
Configures the process engine failed job wait time.


BasicOperand<T> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods used to build Predicates and Orderings for basic values.
BasicValue<V> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines the interface of a basic value.
before(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.TimestampOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter < referenceValue comparison.
beforeOrEq(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.TimestampOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter <= referenceValue comparison.
between(T, T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.TimestampOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter >= startDate AND queryParameter <= endDate comparison.
BooleanOperand<T> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods used to build Predicates for boolean values.
booleanValue() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns an operand to build predicates for the value part of variables.
BooleanValue<V> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines the interface of a boolean value.
build() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Builds the Action instance.
build() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query.Builder
build() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap.Builder
Builds the new value map.
build() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectBuilder
Builds the work object defined by the builder.
builder() - Static method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Creates a new action builder.
builder(Action) - Static method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Creates a new action builder based on the given template action.
builder() - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query
Returns a new query builder.
builder(Query) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query
Returns a new query builder based on a template query.
builder() - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Creates a builder for a new value map instance.
builder(ValueMap) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Creates a builder for a new value map instance from the given template map.
builder() - Static method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Creates an empty work object builder.
builder(WorkObject) - Static method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Creates a work object builder based on the given template.
buttonLabel(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the button label.
buttonLabelKey(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the i18n message key for the action button label.
byPredicate(Predicate) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query
Convenience method to create a Query with the given predicate.


cancelWorkObject(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Cancels or terminates any background activities / processes associated with the given work object.
CANDIDATE_GROUP_IDS - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object candidate group IDs.
CANDIDATE_USER_IDS - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object candidate user IDs.
CandidateField - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines the interface of a candidate user / group field value.
CandidateFieldOperand - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods used to build Predicates for candidate user / group values.
candidateGroupIds(Set<String>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object candidate group IDs.
candidateUserIds(Set<String>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object candidate user IDs.
CASE_MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a case model work object.
CASE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a case work object.
checkValueType(String, Object) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Checks that the given value to be written to a work object has a valid type.
childOf(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.HierarchyOperand
Builds a predicate matching direct children of object with the given ID.
childrenOf(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.HierarchyOperand
Builds a predicate matching direct children of the objects with the given IDs.
com.edorasware.api.action - package com.edorasware.api.action
Work object action support.
com.edorasware.api.annotation - package com.edorasware.api.annotation
Semantic annotations describing the intended use of API interfaces.
com.edorasware.api.base - package com.edorasware.api.base
Basic classes and values used by the rest of the API.
com.edorasware.api.config - package com.edorasware.api.config
Interfaces supporting customizable Spring configurations.
com.edorasware.api.config.action - package com.edorasware.api.config.action
Customization for the work object action configuration.
com.edorasware.api.config.engine - package com.edorasware.api.config.engine
Customization for the Flowable-based execution engine configuration.
com.edorasware.api.config.i18n - package com.edorasware.api.config.i18n
Customization for the message internationalization configuration.
com.edorasware.api.config.mail - package com.edorasware.api.config.mail
Customization for the mail configuration.
com.edorasware.api.config.persistence - package com.edorasware.api.config.persistence
Customization for the persistence layer configuration. - package
Customization for the property configuration. - package
Customization for the HTTP security configuration.
com.edorasware.api.document - package com.edorasware.api.document
Provides definitions and functionality specific to document work objects.
com.edorasware.api.exception - package com.edorasware.api.exception
Exceptions that can be thrown by the public Java API.
com.edorasware.api.expression - package com.edorasware.api.expression
Expression support.
com.edorasware.api.query - package com.edorasware.api.query
Work object query support. - package
Interfaces related to the public REST API.
com.edorasware.api.time - package com.edorasware.api.time
Time and date support.
com.edorasware.api.timer - package com.edorasware.api.timer
Provides definitions and functionality specific to timer work objects.
com.edorasware.api.util - package com.edorasware.api.util
Utility interfaces and classes.
com.edorasware.api.value - package com.edorasware.api.value
Work object value access.
com.edorasware.api.web - package com.edorasware.api.web
Basic classes and values used by the web interface.
com.edorasware.api.workobject - package com.edorasware.api.workobject
Interfaces for work object access and manipulation.
CommonQueryHints - Class in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines query hints that can be use in all queries.
CommonQueryHints() - Constructor for class com.edorasware.api.query.CommonQueryHints
ComplexValue<V> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines the interface of a complex variable value (containing a list or map).
ComplexVariableOperand - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods used to build Predicates for complex variable values.
CONFIGURATION_ORDER - Static variable in interface
CONFIGURATION_ORDER - Static variable in interface
ConfigurationBuilder - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config
Marker interface for all builders that can be used to customize the default Spring configuration.
ConfigurationConfigurer<T extends ConfigurationBuilder> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config
Interface for all beans that can be used to customize the default Spring configuration.
configure(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.ConfigurationConfigurer
Invoked by the framework too apply the required customizations using the configuration builder.
configure(SecurityApiConfigurationBuilder) - Method in interface
Allows the security configuration default settings to be disabled.
configure(SecurityConfigurationBuilder) - Method in interface
Allows the security configuration default settings to be disabled.
containsAnyOf(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.CandidateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value of this operand contains the given possibleCandidate.
containsAnyOf(String, String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.CandidateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value of this operand contains the given possibleCandidate1 or possibleCandidate2.
containsAnyOf(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.CandidateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value of this operand contains the given possibleCandidate1, possibleCandidate2, or possibleCandidate3
containsAnyOf(String, String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.CandidateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value of this operand contains the given possibleCandidate1, possibleCandidate2, possibleCandidate3, or any of morePossibleCandidates.
containsAnyOf(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.CandidateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value of this operand contains any of the given possibleCandidates.
countWorkObjects(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Counts the work objects that match the query with the given predicate.
countWorkObjects(Predicate, SearchScope) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Counts the work objects that match the query with the given predicate in given scope.
countWorkObjects(Query) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Counts the work objects that match the given query.
countWorkObjects(Query, SearchScope) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Counts the work objects that match the given query in given scope.
create(WorkObject) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Creates a new root work object based on the given template work object.
create(WorkObject, String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Creates a new child work object based on the given template work object.
create(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Creates a new root work object based on the given definition.
create(String, String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Creates a new child work object based on the given definition.
createReadableUpdateBuilder(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Creates a new readable work object update builder (allowing getter method calls for the current state).
createUpdateBuilder(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Creates a new work object update builder.
CREATION_TIME - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object creation timestamp.
CustomWebApplicationInitializer - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config
By implementing this interface you are able to add your custom servlets and servlet filters before and after the platform configured it.


dataSource(DataSource) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.persistence.PersistenceConfigurationBuilder
Configures the data source to be used for normal operation.
dateToInstant(Date) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
Converts a Date value (possibly null) to the equivalent Instant.
DEFINITION_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object definition ID.
definitionId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectBuilder
Sets the work object definition ID.
delete(String...) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Deletes the value referenced by the given name.
delete(ValueAccessor<?>...) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Deletes the values referenced by the given names.
deleteWorkObject(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Deletes the given work object with all its values.
deleteWorkObjectWithHierarchy(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Deletes the given work object with all its values and descendants.
descendantOf(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.HierarchyOperand
Builds a predicate matching all descendants of the object with the given ID.
descendantOfOrEq(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.HierarchyOperand
Builds a predicate matching all descendants of the object with the given ID, including the parent object.
description(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the action description.
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object description.
description(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object description.
deserialize(W) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.value.ValueConverter
Deserializes the given value.
deserialize(ValueConverter<V, W>, Object) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueConverters
Type-safe deserialization helper method.
disableAuthenticationManagerBuilderDefaults(boolean) - Method in interface
Disables the authentication manager builder defaults.
disableAuthenticationManagerBuilderDefaults(boolean) - Method in interface
Disables the authentication manager builder defaults.
disableHttpSecurityDefaults(boolean) - Method in interface
Disables the HTTP security defaults.
disableHttpSecurityDefaults(boolean) - Method in interface
Disables the HTTP security defaults.
disableWebSecurityDefaults(boolean) - Method in interface
Disables the web security defaults.
DMN_MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a DMN model work object.
DOCUMENT_MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a document model work object.
DOCUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a document work object.
DocumentValues - Class in com.edorasware.api.document
Defines document-specific work object values.
doubleValue() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns an operand to build predicates for the value part of variables.
DUE_TIME - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object due time.
dueTime(Instant) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object due time.


EMPTY - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.Predicates
An empty predicate.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the action 'enabled' state.
endpoint(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the URL for the REST endpoint to be invoked when the action is triggered.
endpointHttpMethod(HttpMethod) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the HttpMethod to be used for the action endpoint invocation.
EngineConfigurationBuilder - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config.engine
Configuration customizations for the Flowable-based execution engines.
EngineConfigurationConfigurer - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config.engine
Interface for beans that customize the Flowable-based execution engine configuration.
EntityNotFoundException - Exception in com.edorasware.api.exception
Signals that a given entity could not be found.
EntityNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.edorasware.api.exception.EntityNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception for an ID-based lookup.
EntityNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.edorasware.api.exception.EntityNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception for an ID-based lookup.
EntityNotFoundException(Predicate) - Constructor for exception com.edorasware.api.exception.EntityNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception for a predicate-based lookup.
EntityNotFoundException(Predicate, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.edorasware.api.exception.EntityNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception for a predicate-based lookup.
EntityNotFoundException(Query) - Constructor for exception com.edorasware.api.exception.EntityNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception for a predicate-based lookup.
EntityNotFoundException(Query, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.edorasware.api.exception.EntityNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception for a predicate-based lookup.
eq(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate for a value == expectedValue comparison.
eq(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is equal to a single match of the given inner select predicate.
eq(BasicOperand<T>, Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value of the given operand is equal to a single match of the given inner select predicate.
exists() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate that checks if the value exists.
exists() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.ComplexVariableOperand
Builds a predicate that checks if the value exists.
Experimental - Annotation Type in com.edorasware.api.annotation
Marker annotation for experimental API interfaces.
EXPRESSION - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.timer.TimerValues
The timer expression.
ExpressionBean - Annotation Type in com.edorasware.api.expression
Marker annotation for Spring beans that can be used in backend expression evaluation.
ExtensionPoint - Annotation Type in com.edorasware.api.annotation
Marker annotation for official API extension point interfaces.
EXTERNAL_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object external ID.
externalId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectBuilder
Sets the work object external ID.


filter(Predicate<Map.Entry<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Filers values in the instance based on the input predicate
findParentId(WorkObject) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns the optional parent work object ID.
findParentIdByType(WorkObject, String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns the optional ID of the closest parent work object of the given type for a given work object.
findTopMostParentIdByType(WorkObject, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns the optional ID of the top-most parent work object of the given type for a given work object.
findWorkObject(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work object with the given ID.
findWorkObject(String, SearchScope) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work object with the given ID in the given scope.
findWorkObject(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work object that matches the query with the given predicate.
findWorkObject(Predicate, SearchScope) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work object that matches the query with the given predicate in given scope.
findWorkObject(Query) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work object that matches the given query.
findWorkObject(Query, SearchScope) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work object that matches the given query in given scope.
findWorkObjectId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work object ID corresponding to a given global ID in the current tenant.
findWorkObjects(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work objects that match the query with the given predicate.
findWorkObjects(Predicate, SearchScope) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work objects that match the query with the given predicate in given scope.
findWorkObjects(Query) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work objects that match the given query.
findWorkObjects(Query, SearchScope) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work objects that match the given query in given scope.
FLOAT_CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueConverters
Converts values between Float and Double.
forceUpdate() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.UpdateBuilderMethods
Forces an update of the work object (adjusting modification timestamps etc.) even if no other changes are applied.
form(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the key for the action form.
FORM_MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a form model work object.
formatUtcDate(Instant) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
Formats an instant to a UTC date using the default date pattern TimeUtils.ISO_8601_DATE_FORMAT.
formatUtcDateTime(Instant) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
Formats an instant to a UTC date/time using the default date/time pattern TimeUtils.ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_FORMAT.
formatUtcDateTime(Instant, String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
Formats the instant to a UTC date/time using the given pattern.


get(String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.QueryHint
Returns a new instance with the given value.
get(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap.Builder
Returns the value with the given name.
getActions(ActionContext) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.ActionProvider
Provide allowed Actions for the given ActionContext
getAssignedGroupId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object assigned group ID.
getAssignedGroupIdUpdateTime() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the time the entity’s assigned group ID was last updated.
getAssigneeId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object assignee’s user ID.
getAssigneeIdUpdateTime() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the time the entity’s assignee ID was last updated.
getButtonLabel() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the button label.
getButtonLabelKey() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the button label i18n message key.
getCandidateGroupIds() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object candidate group IDs.
getCandidateUserIds() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object candidate user IDs.
getContext() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.ActionContext
Returns the optional context key.
getCreationTime() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the time the entity was created.
getDefinitionId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the definition ID of this work object.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the action description.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object description.
getDirection() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.Ordering
Returns the sorting direction.
getDueTime() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object due time.
getEndpoint() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
The action REST endpoint (relative to the server base URL).
getEndpointHttpMethod() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
The HttpMethod to be used when the action REST endpoint is invoked.
getExternalId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the external ID of this work object.
getForm() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the form key.
getGlobalId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the global ID corresponding to a given work object ID.
getGlobalId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the global ID of this work object.
getGroup() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the grouping information for this action.
getHierarchyValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectHierarchyValueGetters
Please fetch the specific work object and use local value access instead.
getHierarchyValue(ValueAccessor<V>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectHierarchyValueGetters
Please fetch the specific work object and use local value access instead.
getHints() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query
The hints to apply when executing the query.
getIcon() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the icon key.
getId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the action ID.
getId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the ID of this work object.
getInitialAssignedGroupId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the initial assigned group ID.
getInitialAssigneeId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the initial assignee’s user ID.
getLimit() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query
The maximum number of results.
getMinimalPredicate(CompositePredicate) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Predicates
Returns the minimal predicate for the given composite.
getModificationCreatorId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the ID of the user who created the work object.
getModificationUpdaterId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the ID of the user who last modified the work object.
getModificationVersion() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the work object modification version.
getName() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the action name.
getName() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.value.ValueAccessor
Returns the value name.
getName() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object name.
getNameKey() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the action name i18n message key.
getOffset() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query
The offset of the first result.
getOwnerId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object owner’s user ID.
getParameter() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.Ordering
Returns the parameter by which to order the result.
getParentId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectPathGetters
Returns the ID of the parent work object.
getPath() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the work object hierarchy path (i.e. the sequence of parent IDs to the root work object).
getPredicate() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.MultipleNamedValuePredicate
Returns the marked predicate.
getPredicate() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query
The predicate to match.
getPreviousAssignedGroupId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the previous assigned group ID.
getPreviousAssigneeId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the previous assignee’s user ID.
getPriority() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object priority.
getProviderId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the provider ID of this work object.
getQualifier() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.ActionContext
Returns the optional context qualifier.
getQueryParameter() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Returns the query parameter defining the value to be queried.
getResubmissionTime() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object resubmission time.
getRootId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the ID of the root work object (may be work object ID of this work object).
getRootId(WorkObject) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns the root work object ID for a given work object.
getSerializedValueType() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.value.ValueConverter
Returns a type token for the serialized value type.
getServiceInterface(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns a specific provider service interface for the given provider ID.
getServiceInterfaces(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns all instances of a typed service interface for the current providers.
getSorting() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query
The order criteria to sort the results.
getState() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object state.
getStateUpdateTime() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the time the work object state was last updated.
getSubState() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object sub-state.
getSubStateUpdateTime() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the time the work object sub state was last updated.
getTenantId() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the tenant ID for this work object.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.time.TimeProvider
Returns the current time as defined by this TimeProvider implementation.
getType() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.ActionContext
Returns the optional work object type.
getType() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the work object type.
getUpdateTime() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObject
Returns the time the entity was last updated.
getUrl() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the navigation URL to be used when the action is completed.
getValue(ValueAccessor<V>) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Returns the de-serialized value referenced by the given value accessor.
getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Returns the value with the given name, cast to the expected type.
getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the value with the given name, cast to the expected type.
getValue(ValueAccessor<V>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns the value defined by the accessor, de-serialized and cast to the expected type.
getValueConverter() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.value.ValueAccessor
Returns the value converter for this accessor.
getValues() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Returns a value map containing all values set on the work object.
getWorkObject() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the optional work object associated with this action.
getWorkObject() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.ActionContext
Returns the optional work object.
getWorkObject(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns the work object with the given ID.
getWorkObject(String, SearchScope) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns the work object with the given ID in the given scope.
getWorkObject(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns the work object that matches the predicate.
getWorkObject(Predicate, SearchScope) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns the work object that matches the predicate in given scope.
getWorkObject(Query) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns the work object that matches the query.
getWorkObject(Query, SearchScope) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Returns the work object that matches the query in given scope.
getWorkObjectId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectService
Finds the work object ID corresponding to a given global ID in the current tenant.
GLOBAL_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object global ID (unique only within a single tenant).
globalId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectBuilder
Sets the work object global ID.
greaterThan(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.NumberOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter > referenceValue comparison.
greaterThanOrEq(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.NumberOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter >= referenceValue comparison.
group(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the action group information.
GROUP_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a group work object.


hasHierarchyValue(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectHierarchyValueGetters
Please fetch the specific work object and use local value access instead.
hasHierarchyValue(ValueAccessor<?>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectHierarchyValueGetters
Please fetch the specific work object and use local value access instead.
hasParent() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectPathGetters
Checks whether this work object has a parent.
hasValue(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap.Builder
Checks whether the builder contains a value with the given name.
hasValue(ValueAccessor<?>) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap.Builder
Checks whether the builder contains a value with the given name.
hasValue(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Checks whether the work object has a value with the given name.
hasValue(ValueAccessor<?>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueGetters
Checks whether the work object has a value with the given name.
hidden(boolean) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the action 'hidden' state.
HIDDEN_VARIABLE_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectQueryHints
Name prefix for variables with which the variable is treated as hidden variable and it will not be fetched by default.
HierarchyOperand - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods to build hierarchy-specific Predicate instances.
highest() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.PriorityFieldOperand
Builds a predicate for a priority = max(all priority values) comparison.
highest(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.PriorityFieldOperand
Builds a predicate for a priority = max(all priority values matching aggregationPredicate) comparison.
hints(QueryHint) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query.Builder
Sets a single query execution hint.
hints(Collection<QueryHint>) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query.Builder
Sets query execution hints.
HttpMethod - Enum in com.edorasware.api.web
Represents the HTTP method to be used for a given request.


I18NConfigurationBuilder - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config.i18n
Configuration customizations for message internationalization.
I18NConfigurationConfigurer - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config.i18n
Interface for beans that customize message internationalization.
icon(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the icon key.
id(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the action ID.
ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object ID (unique everywhere).
id(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectBuilder
Sets the work object ID.
in(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is one of the possible values.
in(T, T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is one of the possible values.
in(T, T, T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is one of the possible values.
in(T, T, T, T...) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is one of the possible values.
in(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is one of the possible values.
in(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is contained in any of the given inner select predicate matches.
in(BasicOperand<T>, Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value of the given operand is contained in any of the given inner select predicate matches.
INACTIVE_SUB_STATES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectSubState
Contains all sub-state values that correspond to an inactive work object.
INCLUDE_HIDDEN_VARIABLES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectQueryHints
A hint to include the hidden variables when executing a domain object query.
INCLUDE_PARENT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectDefinitionQueryHints
A hint to include the parent properties in the query results.
INCLUDE_PARENT_VARIABLES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectQueryHints
A hint to include the parent variables in the query results.
INITIAL_ASSIGNED_GROUP_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The initial work object assigned group ID.
INITIAL_ASSIGNEE_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The initial work object assignee ID.
instantToDate(Instant) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
Converts an Instant value (possibly null) to the equivalent Date.
INTEGER_CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueConverters
Converts values between Integer and Long.
IS_MANAGED_EXTERNALLY - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.timer.TimerValues
Whether the timer is managed externally.
isActive() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.StateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate for an active state check.
isCompleted() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.StateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate for a completed state check.
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.CandidateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value of this operand contains no candidates.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the 'enabled' state.
isFalse() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BooleanOperand
Builds a predicate representing a queryParameter == false comparison.
isHidden() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.action.Action
Returns the 'hidden' state.
isInterrupted() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.StateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate for an interrupted state check.
isNotActive() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.StateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate for an not-active state check.
isNotCompleted() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.StateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate for a not-completed state check.
isNotInterrupted() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.StateFieldOperand
Builds a predicate for a not-interrupted state check.
isNotNull() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate for a value !
isNull() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate for a value == null comparison.
ISO_8601_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
Defines the default string format for dates.
ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
Defines the default string format for date/time timestamps.
ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
isTrue() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BooleanOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter == true comparison.


lessThan(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.NumberOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter < referenceValue comparison.
lessThanOrEq(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.NumberOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter <= referenceValue comparison.
like(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.StringOperand
Builds a predicate for a queryParameter LIKE expectedValue comparison.
limit(Integer) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query.Builder
The maximum number of results to retrieve.
longValue() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns an operand to build predicates for the value part of variables.
lowest() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.PriorityFieldOperand
Builds a predicate for a priority = min(all priority values) comparison.
lowest(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.PriorityFieldOperand
Builds a predicate for a priority = min(all priority values matching aggregationPredicate) comparison.


MAIL_MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a mail model work object.
MailConfigurationBuilder - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config.mail
Configuration customizations for the mail interface.
MailConfigurationConfigurer - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config.mail
Interface for beans that customize the mail interface.
mailSender(JavaMailSender) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.mail.MailConfigurationBuilder
Configures an alternative mail sender implementation.
match(Predicate) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.MultipleNamedValuePredicate
Marks the given predicate.
matchAll(List<? extends Predicate>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.MultipleNamedValuePredicate
Marks each given predicate and combines them with the AND operator.
matchAll(Predicate, Predicate, Predicate...) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.MultipleNamedValuePredicate
Marks each given predicate and combines them with the AND operator.
matchAny(List<? extends Predicate>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.MultipleNamedValuePredicate
Marks each given predicate and combines them with the OR operator.
matchAny(Predicate, Predicate, Predicate...) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.MultipleNamedValuePredicate
Marks each given predicate and combines them with the AND operator.
matching(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableRestrictionQueryHintFactory
Creates a query hint which restricts the variable to be loaded based on the given name.
matching(String...) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableRestrictionQueryHintFactory
Creates a query hint which restricts the variables to be loaded based on the given names.
matching(ValueAccessor<?>...) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableRestrictionQueryHintFactory
Creates a query hint which restricts the variables to be loaded based on the given value accessors.
matching(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableRestrictionQueryHintFactory
Creates a query hint which restricts the variables to be loaded based on the given predicate (white list semantics).
MIME_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.document.DocumentValues
The document MIME type.
MODIFICATION_CREATOR_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The ID of the user that created the work object.
MODIFICATION_UPDATER_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The ID of the user that last updated the work object.
MODIFICATION_VERSION - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object modification version.
MultipleNamedValuePredicate - Class in com.edorasware.api.query
A marker predicate which isolates multiple variable / property predicates from each other.


name(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the action name.
name() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.QueryParameter
The name of the query parameter.
name() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns an operand to build predicates for the name part of variables.
NAME - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object name.
name(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object name.
nameAndValueEq(ValueAccessor<V>, V) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns a predicate to check for variables with the given name and value.
nameAndValueEq(String, Object) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns a predicate to check for variables with the given name and value.
nameKey(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the i18n message key for the action name.
newBooleanValue(String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new boolean value accessor.
newBooleanValue(String, ValueConverter<T, Boolean>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new boolean value accessor.
newComplexValue(String, TypeToken<T>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new complex value (a list or map).
newComplexValue(String, ValueConverter<T, ?>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new complex value accessor for a list or map value.
newDoubleValue(String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new double value accessor.
newDoubleValue(String, ValueConverter<T, Double>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new double value accessor.
newListValue(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new list value accessor with a given entry type.
newListValue(String, ValueConverter<T, ?>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new list value accessor with a given entry value converter.
newLongValue(String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new long value accessor.
newLongValue(String, ValueConverter<T, Long>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new long value accessor.
newSetValue(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new set value accessor with a given entry type.
newSetValue(String, ValueConverter<T, ?>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new set value accessor with a given entry value converter.
newStringValue(String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new string value accessor.
newStringValue(String, ValueConverter<T, String>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new string value accessor.
newTimestampValue(String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new timestamp value accessor.
newTimestampValue(String, ValueConverter<T, Instant>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Constructs a new timestamp value accessor.
noOpConverter(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueConverters
Creates a new type-safe no-op converter for the given class.
noOpConverter(TypeToken<T>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueConverters
Creates a new type-safe no-op converter for the given type token.
not() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.Predicate
Negates this predicate through a logical NOT operator.
not(Predicate) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Predicates
Negates the given predicate through a NOT operator.
notEq(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate for a value !
notIn(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is not one of the possible values.
notIn(T, T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is not one of the possible values.
notIn(T, T, T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is not one of the possible values.
notIn(T, T, T, T...) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is not one of the possible values.
notIn(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds a predicate which tests that the value is not one of the possible values.
notLike(T) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.StringOperand
Builds a predicate for a NOT(queryParameter LIKE expectedValue) comparison.
NumberOperand<T> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods used to build Predicates for number values.
NumberValue<V> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines the interface of a number value.


of() - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Creates an empty value map.
of(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Creates a value map from the given serialized values.
of(ValueAccessor<V>, V) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Creates a new value map from the given name/value pair.
of(ValueAccessor<V1>, V1, ValueAccessor<V2>, V2) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Creates a new value map from the given name/value pairs.
of(ValueAccessor<V1>, V1, ValueAccessor<V2>, V2, ValueAccessor<V3>, V3) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Creates a new value map from the given name/value pairs.
of(String, Object) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Creates a new value map from the given name/value pair.
of(String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Creates a new value map from the given name/value pairs.
of(String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Creates a new value map from the given name/value pairs.
offset(Integer) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query.Builder
The offset of the first result to retrieve.
OMIT_ALL_RELATIONS - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.CommonQueryHints
OMIT_IDENTITY_LINKS - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectQueryHints
A hint to omit the identity links (candidate users and candidate groups) from the query results.
OMIT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectDefinitionQueryHints
A hint to omit the properties from the query results.
OMIT_RESOURCE_STRING - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectDefinitionQueryHints
A hint to omit the (potentially very large) resource string from the query results.
OMIT_VARIABLES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectQueryHints
A hint to omit the variables when executing a domain object query.
or(Predicate) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.Predicate
Concatenates this predicate with the given predicate to a combined predicate through a logical OR operator.
or(List<? extends Predicate>) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Predicates
Concatenates the given predicates to a combined predicate through a logical OR operator.
or(Predicate, Predicate, Predicate...) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Predicates
Concatenates the given predicates to a combined predicate through a logical OR operator.
orderAsc() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds an ordering criterion which sorts by the operand value in ascending order.
orderDesc() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.BasicOperand
Builds an ordering criterion which sorts by the operand value in descending order.
Ordering - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines an ordering to be used for query results.
Ordering.Direction - Enum in com.edorasware.api.query
The sorting direction.
OWNER_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object owner ID.
ownerId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object owner ID.


parent(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectPathSetters
Sets the parent to the work object with the given ID
parseUtcDate(String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
Parses a date string using the default date pattern TimeUtils.ISO_8601_DATE_FORMAT.
parseUtcDateTime(String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
Parses a date/time string using the default date/time pattern TimeUtils.ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_FORMAT.
parseUtcDateTime(String, String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
Parses a date/time string using the given pattern.
PATH - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object path (should only be used when creating an in-memory work object).
path(List<String>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectBuilder
Sets the work object path.
PathField - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines the interface of a path field value.
PersistenceConfigurationBuilder - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config.persistence
Configuration customizations for the persistence layer.
PersistenceConfigurationConfigurer - Interface in com.edorasware.api.config.persistence
Interface for beans that customize the persistence layer configuration.
postConfigureAuthenticationManagerBuilder(AuthenticationManagerBuilder) - Method in interface
Allows the authentication manager configuration to be adjusted after the default settings are applied.
postConfigureAuthenticationManagerBuilder(AuthenticationManagerBuilder) - Method in interface
Allows the authentication manager configuration to be adjusted before the default settings are applied.
postConfigureHttpSecurity(HttpSecurity) - Method in interface
Allows the HTTP security configuration to be adjusted after the default settings are applied.
postConfigureHttpSecurity(HttpSecurity) - Method in interface
Allows the HTTP security configuration to be adjusted before the default settings are applied.
postConfigureServletContext(ServletContext, WebApplicationContext) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.CustomWebApplicationInitializer
Configure the ServletContext after the platform configured it.
postConfigureServletFilters(ServletContext, WebApplicationContext) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.CustomWebApplicationInitializer
Configure the ServletContext after the platform configured the context and added all its servlet filters.
postConfigureWebSecurity(WebSecurity) - Method in interface
Allows the web security configuration to be adjusted before the default settings are applied.
preConfigureAuthenticationManagerBuilder(AuthenticationManagerBuilder) - Method in interface
Allows the authentication manager configuration to be adjusted before the default settings are applied.
preConfigureAuthenticationManagerBuilder(AuthenticationManagerBuilder) - Method in interface
Allows the authentication manager configuration to be adjusted before the default settings are applied.
preConfigureHttpSecurity(HttpSecurity) - Method in interface
Allows the HTTP security configuration to be adjusted before the default settings are applied.
preConfigureHttpSecurity(HttpSecurity) - Method in interface
Allows the HTTP security configuration to be adjusted before the default settings are applied.
preConfigureServletContext(ServletContext, WebApplicationContext) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.CustomWebApplicationInitializer
Configure the ServletContext before the platform configures it.
preConfigureWebSecurity(WebSecurity) - Method in interface
Allows the web security configuration to be adjusted before the default settings are applied.
Predicate - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines a criterion to be matched in a Query.
predicate(Predicate) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query.Builder
The predicate to match.
Predicates - Class in com.edorasware.api.query
This class implements basic operations with predicates
PREVIOUS_ASSIGNED_GROUP_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The previous work object assigned group ID.
PREVIOUS_ASSIGNEE_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The previous work object assignee ID.
PRIORITY - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object priority.
priority(Integer) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object priority.
PriorityField - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines the interface of a priority field value.
PriorityFieldOperand - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods used to build Predicates for the priority field.
PROCESS_MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a process model work object.
PROCESS_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a process work object.
PropertyConfigurationBuilder - Interface in
Configuration customizations for the configuration properties.
PropertyConfigurationConfigurer - Interface in
Interface for beans that customize the configuration properties.
PROVIDER_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object provider ID.
providerId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectBuilder
Sets the work object provider ID.
put(ValueAccessor<V>, V) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap.Builder
Adds the given entry to the map to be built.
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap.Builder
Adds the given entry to the map to be built.
putAll(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap.Builder
Adds the given values to the map to be built.


Query - Class in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines a work object / definition query.
Query.Builder - Class in com.edorasware.api.query
QueryHint - Class in com.edorasware.api.query
Represents a query hint.
QueryParameter - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Interface for a query parameter.


ReadableWorkObjectUpdateBuilder - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines the functionality of a readable work object update builder.
remove(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap.Builder
Removes the value with the given name.
RESTRICT_VARIABLES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectQueryHints
Allows to create a hint that restricts the loaded variables to the ones matched by arbitrary criteria.
RESUBMISSION_TIME - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object resubmission time.
resubmissionTime(Instant) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object resubmission time.


schemaManipulationDataSource(DataSource) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.persistence.PersistenceConfigurationBuilder
Configures the data source to be used for schema manipulation.
schemaManipulationTransactionManager(PlatformTransactionManager) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.persistence.PersistenceConfigurationBuilder
Configures the transaction manager to be used for schema manipulation.
SearchScope - Enum in com.edorasware.api.base
Defines the scope in which to apply a lookup / query.
SecurityApiConfigurationBuilder - Interface in
Configuration customizations for the web security of the public REST API.
SecurityApiConfigurationConfigurer - Interface in
Interface for beans that customize the web security of the public REST API.
SecurityConfigurationBuilder - Interface in
Configuration customizations for the default web security.
SecurityConfigurationConfigurer - Interface in
Interface for beans that customize the default web security.
serialize(V) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.value.ValueConverter
Serializes the given value.
serialize(ValueConverter<V, W>, V) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueConverters
Type-safe deserialization helper method.
SIZE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.document.DocumentValues
The document size.
sorting(Ordering) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query.Builder
Sets a single order criterion to sort the results.
sorting(Collection<Ordering>) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query.Builder
Sets order criteria to sort the results.
STATE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object state.
state(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object state.
STATE_ACTIVE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectState
The active state.
STATE_COMPLETED - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectState
The completed state.
STATE_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectState
The interrupted state.
STATE_UPDATE_TIME - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object state update time.
StateFieldOperand - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods used to build Predicates for State fields.
STORED_QUERY_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a stored query work object.
STRING_SET_CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueConverters
Converts values between a String set and a String list.
StringOperand<T> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods used to build Predicates for string values.
stringValue() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns an operand to build predicates for the value part of variables.
StringValue<V> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines the interface of a string value.
SUB_STATE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object sub-state.
SUB_STATE_ACTIVE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectSubState
The active state.
SUB_STATE_ARCHIVED - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectSubState
The archived state.
SUB_STATE_COMPLETED - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectSubState
The completed state.
SUB_STATE_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectSubState
The disabled state.
SUB_STATE_INACTIVE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectSubState
The inactive state.
SUB_STATE_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectSubState
The interrupted state.
SUB_STATE_PENDING - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectSubState
The pending state.
SUB_STATE_PENDING_INACTIVE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.base.WorkObjectSubState
The pending inactive state.
SUB_STATE_UPDATE_TIME - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object sub-state update time.
subState(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the work object sub-state.
surroundWithWildCards(String) - Static method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Predicates
Surrounds the given string with wildcards for use in like() predicates.


TARGET_WORK_OBJECT_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.timer.TimerValues
The timer target work object ID.
TASK_MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a task model work object.
TASK_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a task work object.
TENANT_ID - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object tenant ID.
TENANT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a tenant work object.
tenantId(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectBuilder
Sets the work object ID.
TimeProvider - Interface in com.edorasware.api.time
Provides the current time.
TIMER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a timer work object.
TimerValues - Class in com.edorasware.api.timer
Defines timer-specific work object values.
TimestampOperand<T> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods used to build Predicates for timestamp values.
timestampValue() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns an operand to build predicates for the value part of variables.
TimestampValue<V> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines the interface of a timestamp value.
TimeUtils - Class in com.edorasware.api.time
Provides utility methods related to dates / times.
toMap() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.value.ValueMap
Returns the serialized value data represented as a plain map with key/value pairs.
toString() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.MultipleNamedValuePredicate
toString() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.Query
toString() - Method in class com.edorasware.api.query.QueryHint
transactionManager(PlatformTransactionManager) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.config.persistence.PersistenceConfigurationBuilder
Configures the transaction manager to be used for normal operation.
TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object type.
type(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectBuilder
Sets the work object type.


undefined(String) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns an undefined variable predicate.
undefined(ValueAccessor<?>) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns undefined variable predicate.
UPDATE_TIME - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
The work object update timestamp.
UpdateBuilderMethods<SELF> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines methods used to apply an update from an update builder.
url(String) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the navigation URL.
USER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
The type for a user work object.
UTC - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.time.TimeUtils
The UTC timezone.


value(String, Object) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the value referenced by the given name.
value(ValueAccessor<V>, V) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the value referenced by the given name.
ValueAccessor<V> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines the interface of a generic value accessor.
ValueConverter<V,W> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.value
Converts between two representations of the same value.
ValueConverters - Class in com.edorasware.api.value
Provides some common value converters and value conversion helper methods.
valueIsNotNull() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns a predicate to check that the variable value is null, irrespective of the value type.
valueIsNull() - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.query.VariableOperand
Returns a predicate to check that the variable value is null, irrespective of the value type.
ValueMap - Class in com.edorasware.api.value
Manages a collection of named values as persisted in a work object.
ValueMap.Builder - Class in com.edorasware.api.value
Builder for a ValueMap instance.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.edorasware.api.base.SearchScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.edorasware.api.query.Ordering.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.edorasware.api.web.HttpMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.edorasware.api.base.SearchScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.edorasware.api.query.Ordering.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.edorasware.api.web.HttpMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values(ValueMap) - Method in interface com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectValueSetters
Sets the values provided in the given variable map.
VARIABLE - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
Operand that allows predicates to be built for arbitrary variable names/values.
VariableOperand - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines the methods to build variable-specific Predicate instances.
VariableRestrictionQueryHintFactory - Interface in com.edorasware.api.query
Factory interface for variable restriction hint creation.


WORK_OBJECT_FIELD_NAMES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
A set of all field value names (corresponding to fields with special persistence behaviour).
WORK_OBJECT_RESERVED_VALUE_NAMES - Static variable in class com.edorasware.api.value.WorkObjectValues
A set of all reserved value names (corresponding to fields that should not be overwritten).
workObject(WorkObject) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the referenced work object.
workObject(Optional<WorkObject>) - Method in class com.edorasware.api.action.ActionBuilder
Sets the optional referenced work object.
WorkObject - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines the functionality of a work object.
WorkObjectBuilder - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines the functionality of a work object builder.
WorkObjectDefinitionQueryHints - Class in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines query hints that can be used in work object definition queries.
WorkObjectDefinitionQueryHints() - Constructor for class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectDefinitionQueryHints
WorkObjectHierarchyValueGetters - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines methods used to access the work object hierarchy values.
WorkObjectPathGetters - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines the methods used to retrieve path-related information in update builders.
WorkObjectPathSetters<SELF> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines the methods used to update path-related information in update builders.
WorkObjectQueryHints - Class in com.edorasware.api.query
Defines query hints that can be used in work object queries.
WorkObjectQueryHints() - Constructor for class com.edorasware.api.query.WorkObjectQueryHints
WorkObjectService - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Provides services for accessing and manipulating WorkObject instances.
WorkObjectState - Class in com.edorasware.api.base
Defines the possible values for the work object state attribute.
WorkObjectSubState - Class in com.edorasware.api.base
Defines the possible values for the work object subState attribute.
WorkObjectTypes - Class in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines the standard work object types used in edoras one.
WorkObjectTypes() - Constructor for class com.edorasware.api.workobject.WorkObjectTypes
WorkObjectUpdateBuilder - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines the functionality of a work object update builder.
WorkObjectValueGetters - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines methods used to access the work object values.
WorkObjectValues - Class in com.edorasware.api.value
Defines constants and helper methods used for work object value access.
WorkObjectValueSetters<SELF> - Interface in com.edorasware.api.workobject
Defines the functionality of a generic edoras work object builder.
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edoras one Java API (2.0.0)

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