edoras one - Release Notes

Version 1.5.0.S88

Hello everyone

CLD 1.5.0.S88 of edoras one is now available:

Release 1.5.0.S88 announces following new features:

  • Work objects now have a globalId field which will be used to identify the same work object on different tenants or edoras one installations
  • A preliminary GenericWorkObjectService API is provided to support generic access to work objects and updates to multiple fields in a single operation. This API may be subject to minor changes in future releases.
  • Modeling of Action Button display properties and access rights in case modeler
  • Visualization attributes for Milestones and Stages
  • Usability improvements in case modeler
  • The new Activation Attributes available in the modeler (tasks, stages, user event listener) are not yet supported in the case template (case.html). They are, however, fully supported when querying actions via the availableActions REST service. Similar restrictions apply to the Current States bar (milestones and stages) of the case template.
  • Deployment of Human Tasks has been improved.

Besides of mentioned major improvements release 1.5.0.S88 brings a lot of bug fixes.

Regards, edoras one team

High-level Goals

  • Introduced a new globalId field on all work objects.
  • Introduced a preliminary version of a new generic work object service API. This new API may be subject to minor changes in the next few releases.
  • Modeling of Action Button display properties and access rights in case modeler
  • Visualization attributes for Milestones and Stages
  • Usability improvements in case modeler
  • Support new activation modeling options
  • Create HumanTask definitions and work items via proper provider and deployer

Migration Notes

  • Apply gear upgrade scripts (e.g. com\\edorasware\\gear\\core\\db\\update\\edw.gear.${DB}.update.66.to.S67.sql) to your DB.
  • In the case when you observe performance issues on tomcat 7.0.57 (CPU load in case of no request) upgrade to tomcat 7.0.61
  • HttpHeadFilter which has mapped all HEAD http requests to GET requests was removed from edoras-one web.xml.
  • Manual activation of Human Tasks in running cases that were started prior to Sprint 88 may lead to an exception. Please re-deploy any existing CMMN case models on the basis of Sprint 88.


  • None