1. Modeler Overview

The modeler dashboard can be accessed by authorized users through the dashboard menu and is used to create and deploy workflow models for use within edoras one.

Before we look at the details of the modeler dashboard it will help to understand how models are related to the user dashboard.

Models are created edited in the modeler dashboard, and as long as they are only edited they are not visible in the user dashboard. When models are deployed, corresponding definitions are created. These definitions can be used in the user dashboard to create work objects of the new type.

1.1. App Models

An edoras one App model contains a collection of different models that combine to define a specific workflow within edoras one.

An app model can be created and then different models can be added and linked together as required. When the workflow is ready, it can be deployed to create the corresponding definitions which are used to execute the workflow, and it can then be tested.

App models can be transferred between different edoras one installations using the Export and Import actions.

1.2. edoras vis

edoras vis is a modeler with focus on modeling BPMN 2.0-compliant processes, edoras one compliant forms and CMMN 1.0-compliant case models.

2. Model types

2.1. Form model

A form model defines a form that can be used by other workflow models to interact with the user. Each form contains a number of form fields arranged in a given layout. The fields in a form may contain predefined content, or may be bound to work object values at runtime, for example to allow the name and description of a document to be displayed and perhaps changed.

Typically two types of forms are used: init forms are used to initialize new work objects, and work forms are used to edit existing work objects.

Form models can be quickly checked by hovering over the form name, previewed within edoras one using the Preview view or edited in the edoras vis modeler using the Design action. It is also possible to download the XML form definition using the Download action.

2.2. Task model

A task model is used to define a new type of user task. The init and work forms for a task are used to create and edit the task contents, and are set using the Browse view. The default candidate groups used for sharing can also be set, and the actions that will be allowed on this type of task can also be selected.

2.3. Document model

A document model is used to define a new type of document. As in the task model, the Browse view allows the init and work forms to be selected, as well as setting the candidate groups and allowed actions. Moreover, the placeholders can also be defined in this view.

2.3.1. Skeleton documents

A skeleton document can be set using the Upload skeleton action. If a skeleton document is provided then whenever a new document of this type is created it will be initialized with its own copy of the skeleton document. Placeholders can also be defined to insert dynamic text into the document copy.

2.3.2. Placeholder expressions

Document models can define placeholder expressions that can be used to insert dynamic values into documents.

A placeholder definition consists of a key (which will be referenced from the document) and an expression that will be evaluated to give the corresponding value:


The expression will be applied at the time that the placeholders are updated, i.e. either when the document is first created from the document model or when the Update placeholders action is used subsequently.

2.3.3. Referencing placeholders from a Microsoft Word document

In a Microsoft word document, placeholders may be referenced by inserting a form field into the document with a Bookmark name that corresponds to the placeholder key:

word placeholder

2.3.4. Referencing placeholders from an Adobe PDF document

In a PDF document, placeholders may be referenced by inserting a form field into the document with a name that corresponds to the placeholder key:

pdf placeholder
A suitable PDF editing tool is required to create PDF documents with form fields.

2.4. Process model

A process model allows a full BPMN 2.0 process execution model to be defined. As for form models a process model can be previewed or edited in the modeler using the Design action, and the process definition XML can also be downloaded.

2.5. Case model

A case model is used define a new type of case. A case serves as a container for other work objects and can be used to store shared context information for a given workflow.

When a new case is created, it is possible to start processes, create tasks or create documents and link these to the case automatically. It is also possible to define which processes, tasks and documents can be created. This behaviour is defined using the Browse view. This view allows the init and work forms to be selected, as well as setting the candidate groups and allowed actions.

2.6. Mail model

A mail model provides a template for mails that can be sent by a given workflow. The mail model contains the templates for mail subject and header, both of which can use edoras one backend expressions to fill in the template with dynamic information at the time that the mail is sent.

3. Working with models

3.1. Accessing the modeler dashboard

All users that are part of the modeler group will be able to access the modeler dashboard.

3.2. Importing App models

An App model can be imported into the system by creating a new App through the user interface, and then using the Import action within the app to upload and import a Zip file containing the models to be imported.

When models are imported, the model will be checked to see whether it is already present on the system. If it is not present, then it will be created in the current App. If it is already present within the current App then it will be updated from the import file. If it is already present but as part of a different App then an error will be shown.

If a new model is created from scratch it is assigned an unchangeable ID which is used to track the model across all systems where the model is installed, and it is this ID which is used to establish the relationship between the models on the system and the models in the import file.

If the Import as duplicate option is selected when an App is imported the models in the imported App will not be checked against the models already present. New models will be created that are unconnected with the originals. This can be useful for creating a completely new App, using an existing App as a starting point.

3.3. Models state

Models have a state which changes as the models are edited and deployed. The available states are:

Table 1. Model states
State Applies to Description



No pending changes. The model is currently deployed on the system.


Models except App model

No pending changes. The model has been deactivated on the system.



The model contains changes that have not yet been deployed.

pending inactive

Models except App model

The model will be deactivated on the system when it it next deployed.

3.4. Deploying an App model

When an App model is deployed, the models within that App model will be checked for consistency. If a model has been deactivated but there are still references from other active models then it will not be possible to deploy the App model. If the models are consistent then they will be deployed and corresponding definitions will be created. The users of the system will then be able to access the new workflow in the user dashboard.

Note that work objects and processes may already exist that were created using older versions of the model. These will not automatically be updated to use the new definitions: they will continue to use the definitions that were valid when they were created and will therefore not behave any differently after the new deployment.

3.5. Moving models between App models

All of the basic model types can be moved to another App as long as there are no outstanding references within the App model that it is being moved from.

3.6. Duplicating App models

All basic model types can also be duplicated, making an exact copy with a new name. This can be very useful when several small variations of a complex model are required.

3.7. Sharing models

Models may also be shared with different groups. By default all new models are shared with the modeler group, but in some circumstances it may be required for particular users to work on a particular set of models.

3.8. The System App

The administrator will also be able to see the System app in the modeler dashboard in addition to the App models that can be seen by normal modeler users. This App model contains a number of models that are required by the edoras one application and should normally not be changed.

4. Actions

Certain models are used to create user work items (e.g. Case, Task, Document). When created, the work item action toolbar (on the right hand side) will contain the actions that can be performed on the work item.

Which actions are available to the user depends on a number of factors:

  • the actions allowed by the model itself

  • the state of the work item

  • the user’s permissions

Some constraints are defined by edoras one itself and cannot be changed, but the model plays a large role in defining the available actions, and this should be considered carefully when designing a workflow.

To change the allowed actions, select the Browse view and add or remove actions as required in the Allowed Actions field:

Table 2. Actions
Action Case Task Document Description





Re-activate an archived work item





Archived and active work item





Change the work item’s owner / responsible

Create variables




Allow new variables to be created in the work item admin view





Download the work item content

Download Pdf




Download the document in pdf format

Edit document




Edit the document





Move the work item to another case





Show a work item preview





Share the work item with specific groups

Start process




Start a new process instance

Update placeholders




Upload a new document

Upload document




Upload a new document

5. Form palette

This section describes the elements available in the form palette of edoras one. Each modeling element and it’s corresponding attributes are described in detail below.

5.1. Concepts

This section describes the form concepts in edoras one. It starts with a description of how the layout of forms and fields works in edoras one. Then it describes how a form and its fields are bound to the data model.

5.1.1. Form layout

A form is a graphical layout of fields that may be bound to a data model to allow this data model to be displayed to the user. The fields are arranged in rows.

Figure 1. Form layout

Each row is made up of exactly twelve slots. All slots are equal in size, so the width of a slot is one twelfth the width of the whole form. A field can occupy exactly all slots or it can occupy only a part of the slots. With this it is possible to place more than one field in a row.

Figure 2. Form layout with slots

Not every slot needs to be occupied by a field. It is allowed that single slots of a row are empty. These empty slots can be at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a row.

Figure 3. Form layout with empty slots

5.1.2. Field layout

A field is made up of several parts (all but the control part are optional):


The control visualizes the data model. Most controls are interactive and let the user change the data model, however some controls are read-only. There are controls to manipulate strings, numbers, dates, rich text, selections, and many others. The control is located in the center of the field, all other parts are arranged around the control. The field configuration defines the concrete positioning of the field parts.


The label tells the user to which part of the data model the control is bound. The label is located on the left side or on top of the control (depends on the field configuration).

Required indicator

The required indicator is displayed for required fields. Required means that the control cannot be empty. The required indicator is located on the right side of the control.


The description gives additional information to the user. This can be formatting instructions or further description about how the App uses the entered value. The description is located on the bottom of the control.

Figure 4. Field layout

5.1.3. Field alignment

To enhance the readability of a form, the field parts of all fields are aligned among themselves: the labels are aligned, the controls and descriptions are aligned, the required indicators are aligned.

The alignment is performed per slot. All fields that start in the same slot build a field group. Inside such a field group edoras one looks for the widest label which becomes the dominating label for that slot. All labels in the field group are then enlarged to the same width of the dominating label. This is done by adding empty space between the label and the control. This ensures that all controls and descriptions of a field group start in one line and all.

Figure 5. Field alignment

The only exception is with fields that have top label position. For these fields the label, the control and the description all start at the beginning of the slot.

Figure 6. Field alignment with top label position

5.1.4. Binding

Binding is the process to connect the form fields to the data model. The binding in edoras one is always two-way. When the user changes the form fields then those changes are immediately propagated to the data model. On the other side changes in the data model are immediately propagated back to the form fields.

A binding expression defines to which part of the data model the form field is connected. The binding expression has to be a writable frontend expression, e.g. {{foo}}, {{case.bar}}.

5.2. Common attributes

There are several attributes that are available for all form components. These common attributes define the rendering and the layout of the form field, as well as the part of the data model to which the form field is bound.

Attribute name Description


The label is a single word or term that describes the purpose of the form component. When the form is rendered, the label is located either on the left side or on top of the control (depends on the value of the Label position attribute).

Typical labels are: First name, Last name, Sex, Address, ZIP code, City.

Labels can be localized. See Localization to learn how to localize your Apps.

Label position

The label position relative to the control, can be either Left or Top.


The value connects the form field to the data model. As such the value decides which part of the data model the form field visualizes and which part of the data model is updated when the user interacts with the control.

See Binding to learn how binding in edoras one works.

Default value

The default value is the value that is applied when the data model is undefined, i.e. not yet initialized. The default value can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression.

Typical default values are: Support (= string), false (= boolean), 42 (= number), Comment from {{role}} (= frontend expression).

See Frontend expressions to learn the frontend expression syntax.


The description is a whole sentence that describes the purpose of the form component in more detail. When the form is rendered, the description is located below the control.

A typical description is: The ZIP file format is ##, e.g 4143. The ZIP is used to lookup the city.

Descriptions can be localized. See Localization to learn how to localize your Apps.


The visible flag decides if the form field is shown or hidden. If true, the form field is shown, if false the form field is hidden. The visible flag is a runtime value which means you can configure a frontend expression for it.

A typical frontend expression for the visible flag is: {{case.showDeliveryAddress}}

See Frontend expressions to learn the frontend expression syntax.


The editable flag decides i the form control is editable or read-only. If true, the user can manipulate the form control to change the data model, if false the user is not able to change the data model. The editable flag is a runtime value which means you can configure a frontend expression for it.

A typical frontend expression for the editable flag is: {{case.step1Completed}}

See Frontend expressions to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Style class

The style class allows to add additional CSS styles to the form field.

See [styling] to learn how to add custom styles to your form.

Border colour

The border colour applied to the form components in VIS. This colour is not reflected in one.

5.3. Validation attributes

A validation method checks if a control contains valid data, if not edoras one displays an error message that instructs the user how to fix his input. edoras one supports many different validation methods, not all are available for all form components.

Validation is only done if the user is able to fix a potential validation error. This is not the case for hidden and read-only form fields, so such fields are not validated.

The following table lists the supported validation methods.

Attribute name Description


The required flag defines if a form field can be empty or not. If true then the form field is not allowed to be empty, if false the form field might be empty.

A typical sample where the required flag is set to true is a name field that is mandatory.

The following form components support the required flag: text, text area, rich text area, password, number, date, checkbox, autocomplete, select, radio buttons.

Minimum length

The minimum length validation ensures that the text input is longer than a minimum length.

A typical sample is a password that has to be at least 4 characters long.

The following form components support the minimum length validation: text, text area, rich text area, password.

The Minimum length error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the text input is less than the configured number of characters.

Maximum length

The maximum length validation ensures that the text input has a smaller than a maximum length.

A typical sample is a password that has to be at most 8 characters long.

The following form components support the minimum length validation: text, text area, rich text area, password.

The Maximum length error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the text input is bigger than the configured number of characters.

Regular expression

The regular expression validation ensures that the text input matches a regular expression. See http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_regexp.asp for more information on the supported regular expression syntax. Regular expression can be become quite complex and difficult to understand. http://www.regular-expressions.info/javascriptexample.html provides a good way to test your regular expressions.

A typical sample is the number of a credit card which matches: ^4[0-9]{11,12}(?:[0-9]{3})?$.

The following form components support the regular expression validation: text, text area, rich text area, password.

The Regular expression error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the text input does not match the regular expression.


The mask validation ensures that the text input adhere to a certain pattern. The mask can contain the following special characters: * a - Represents an alpha character (A-Z,a-z) * 9 - Represents a numeric character (0-9) * * - Represents an alphanumeric character (A-Z,a-z,0-9) * all other characters are treated as fixed input

A typical sample is the expiry date of a credit card which is the month followed by a dash followed by the year. The mask that adheres to this pattern is 99/9999.

The text form component supports mask validation.

The Mask error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the text input does not match the mask.


The minimum validation ensures that the number input is equals to or bigger than a minimum.

A typical sample is an order quantity field which has to be equals to or bigger than 1.

The number form component supports the minimum validation.

The Minimum error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the number input is less than the configured minimum.


The maximum validation ensures that the number input is equals to or less than a maximum.

A typical sample is an order quantity field which has to be equals to or lower than 100.

The number form component supports the minimum validation.

The Maximum error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the number input is bigger than the configured maximum.

Minimum date

The minimum date validation ensures that the date input is equals to or after a minimum date. The minimum date can be a fixed date, today, or a day relative to today.

A typical sample is an delivery date field which has to be equals to or after today.

The date form component supports the minimum date validation.

The Minimum date error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the date input is before the configured minimum date.

Maximum date

The maximum date validation ensures that the date input is equals to or before a maximum date. The maximum date can be a fixed date, today, or a day relative to today.

A typical sample is a birthday field which has to be equals to or before today.

The date form component supports the maximum date validation.

The Maximum date error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the date input is after the configured maximum.

Invalid selection error message

The displayed error message when the selection input is not available anymore.

The autocomplete and the select form components support the invalid selection validation.

Both form component lookup the selection in the available options to check if the selection is valid or not.

Minimum number of entries

The minimum number of entries validation ensures that the subform input contains at least a certain number of entries.

A typical sample is an order subform which has to contain at least one order position.

The subform form component supports the minimum number of entries validation.

The Minimum number of entries error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the subform input contains less than the configured number of entries.

Maximum number of entries

The maximum number of entries validation ensures that the subform input contains at most a certain number of entries.

A typical sample is a wish list which can hold at most ten wishes.

The subform component supports the maximum number of entries validation.

The Maximum number of entries error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the subform input contains more than the configured number of entries.

Minimum number of attachments

The minimum files validation ensures that not less than a certain number of files are attached.

A typical sample is a support incident attachment field where at lease one screenshot has to be attached.

The attachment form component supports the minimum files validation.

The Minimum number of attachments error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the attachment input has less files attached than the configured number.

Maximum number of attachments

The maximum files validation ensures that at not more than a certain number of files are attached.

A typical sample is a favourite images attachment field where not more than ten images can be attached.

The attachment component supports the maximum files validation.

The Maximum number of attachments error message attribute holds the error message that is displayed when the attachment input has more files attached than the configured number.

Minimum number of rows

The minimum number of rows validation ensures that not less than a certain number of rows are displayed.

A typical sample is a list which has always the same name of rows even they are empty.

The list form component supports the minimum number of rows validation.

Maximum number of rows

The maximum number of rows validation ensures that at not more than a certain number of rows are displayed.

A typical sample is a wish list which can hold at most ten wishes.

The list form component supports the maximum number of rows validation.

5.4. Text form components

The text form components allow the user to input text. To support different text input requirements edoras one provides different text form component variants. The following list explains the different text form component variants:

Form component Description

Used to input a single line of regular text.


Used to input multiple lines of regular text.


Used to input multiple lines of rich text.

In contrast to regular text, rich text can be formatted in various ways: regular, bold, italic, ordered list, unordered list, headings, and much more.


Used to input a password.

The password form component is marked with a small key icon at the right border of the control. To hide the typed text from curious people all typed characters are visualized as dots.


Used to input a number.

The number form component is marked with a small hash icon at the right border of the control.

All non number input is treated as invalid.


Used to input a date.

The date form component is marked with a small calendar icon at the right border of the control. All non date input is treated as invalid.

The user can enter a date in two ways. First he can enter the date as date string, e.g. 1970-11-25. Second he can use a date picker to select a date with the mouse. The date picker pops up as soon as the date control receives focus.


5.4.1. Text attributes

Attribute Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The text form component supports the required, the minimum length, the maximum length, the regular expression, and the mask validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.

5.4.2. Text area attributes

Attribute Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The text area form component supports the required, the minimum length, and the maximum length validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.

5.4.3. Rich text area attributes

Attribute Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Default value attribute of a Rich text area form component is rich text which supports the following formatting options (see toolbar buttons on top of the default value editor):

  • bold, italic, and underline text style

  • font size

  • foreground and background color

  • left, center, and right text alignment

  • headline, sub-headline, and section headline style

  • ordered and unordered list

  • text indentation

  • horizontal line

  • links



The rich text area form component supports the required, the minimum length, and the maximum length validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.

5.4.4. Password attributes

Attribute Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The password form component supports the required, the minimum length, and the maximum length validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.

5.4.5. Number attributes

Attribute Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The number form component supports the required, the minimum, and the maximum validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.

5.4.6. Date attributes

Attribute Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The default value of a date field form field can be specified as absolute date, as relative date, or as frontend expression.



The date form component supports the required, the minimum date, and the maximum date validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.


Used to define the format in which the date is visualized to the user. If empty then the date is presented in the ISO 8601 format, e.g. 1970-11-25.

See [formatting-dates-in-frontend-expressions] to learn more about the possible format strings.

Number of visible years

Used to define the range of years displayed in the year drop-down.


5.5. Select form components

The select form components allow the user to select one or more options from a potential large set of options. The available options are presented in a list from which the user can select one or more options with help of the keyboard and the mouse.

Some select form component support the filtering of the available options. When the user starts typing then only the options that match the typed text are presented as available options. This makes it easy to locate a specific option in a large set of options.

The select form components are very powerful form components. To support different selection requirements edoras one provides different variants of select form components. The following list explains these variants:

Form component Selection Options Description


Boolean true/false

Used to select a simple yes/no option.

When the checkbox is ticked then true is stored in the data model, otherwise false is stored in the data model.



Static options

Used to select a single option from a static list of options.

At design time the modeler configures for each option a name and a value. The name is displayed to the user whereas the value is stored in the data model.

In the radio button form component all options are always visible. With this the user can always see all possible option, on the other side this uses a lot of form real estate and is therefore suited only it there are few options.


Single or multiple

JSON options

Used to select one or more options from a dynamic list of options.

The dynamic list of options is built at runtime by calling a custom REST endpoint that the modeler has configured. Either a single attribute of the option or the complete option is stored in the data model.


Single or multiple

edoras one work items

Used to select one or more work items from a dynamic list of work items.

The dynamic list of work items is built at runtime by calling edoras one with a query that the modeler has configured. Either the work item id or the complete work item is stored in the data model.


Single or multiple

Static options

Used to select one or more options from a static list of options.

At design time the modeler configures for each option a name and a value. The name is displayed to the user whereas the value is stored in the data model.



Static options

Used to select a single option from a static list of options.

At design time the modeler configures for each option a name and a value. The name is displayed to the user whereas the value is stored in the data model.

The select static form component is not able to filter the possible options. To select an option the user first has to navigate to the desired option by scrolling in the option list. Therefore this form component is not a good choice if there is a large number of options.

The functionality of the Radio button group, the Autocomplete static and the Select static form components is similar. The only difference is the look and feel. The Radio button group form component always shows all options with the drawback that this requires a lot of form real estate. The Autocomplete static and the Select static form components need little form real estate with the drawback that the user first has to focus the field and open a popup to see the available options.
the functionality of the REST autocomplete select and the Autocomplete select form components is similar. The only difference is that the REST autocomplete select form component uses a custom REST endpoint to load the possible options (which can be of any format) whereas the Autocomplete select form component uses edoras one to load the possible work items.

5.5.1. Checkbox attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The checkbox form component supports the required validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.

5.5.2. Radio button group attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The radio button group form component supports the required validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.


Defines the options from which the user can choose. Each option has a name and a value: the name is shown to the user whereas the value is stored in the data model.



Defines if the single radio buttons in the group are Horizontal or Vertical aligned.


5.5.3. REST autocomplete select attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The REST autocomplete select form component supports the required and the invalid selection validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.

Query URL

Used to load the available options that are presented to the user from a URL.

The query URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

The autocomplete form component expects the options to be returned as list of JSON objects, e.g.

[ {
  "id" : "GEAR-a65c4a12-20b4-45d8-bb09-2105be7f0d1f",
  "title" : "edoras one Modeler",
  "value" : "GEAR-a65c4a12-20b4-45d8-bb09-2105be7f0d1f"
}, {
  "id" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac",
  "title" : "edoras one User",
  "value" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac"
} ]

The user typed text is added as a URL parameter to the query URL.


Usually the REST endpoint uses the typed text to filter the available options. This way the user sees only the options that match the already typed text and can easily locate single options in a large set of options.

The options are filtered in the REST endpoint and not in the autocomplete form component. If the REST endpoint does not do the filtering then independent of the typed text the autocomplete form component always presents the same options to the user.

Lookup URL

Used for two things:

  • first: to load the complete information of the selected options (only if they are stored in serialized form in the data model)

  • second: to validate if the selected options are still available, see [validation-attributes] to learn more about this validation

In both cases the serialized option is appended to the lookup URL, e.g.


The option is serialized with help of the Serialization. So the Lookup URL and the Serialization attribute have to play together.


Used to select the attribute in the JSON option that is stored in the data model.

The prefix to select an attribute from the JSON option is item.

So if the JSON option looks like

  "id" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac",
  "title" : "edoras one User",
  "value" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac"

then a Serialization of item.id results in GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac being stored in the data model.

Please note that the Serialization, the Query URL, and the Lookup URL attributes have to play together. The Serialization converts the JSON options returned by the Query URL REST endpoint into strings which then are stored in the data model. And the Lookup URL REST endpoint does the opposite: it takes the strings stored in the data model and converts them back into JSON options.


Used to compose a user friendly string from the JSON option.

The prefix to select an attribute from the JSON option is item. Literals have to be enclosed in quotes, attributes and literals can be concatenated with +.

So if the JSON option looks like

  "id" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac",
  "title" : "edoras one User",
  "value" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac"

then a format of 'Group: ' + item.title results in Group: edoras one User being presented to the user for this JSON option.

Navigation URL

Used to set a link icon to the left of each option in the list and each selected option. The Navigation URL defines the URL to navigate to when the user clicks a link icon.

The navigation URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

The prefix to select an attribute from the JSON option is $item.

So if the JSON option looks like

  "id" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac",
  "title" : "edoras one User",
  "value" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac"

then a navigation URL of /GRP/{{$item.id}}/browse results in /GRP/GEAR-3456061f-4892-4ef4-b234-69217201cd09/browse being invoked when the user clicks the link icon.



Used to define the tab where the linked option is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name

Multi selection

False if only one option can be selected, true if multiple options can be selected.

If true then the selected options are stored as a list in the data model.


5.5.4. Autocomplete select attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The autocomplete select form component supports the required and the invalid selection validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.


The edoras one query that is used to load the available work items that are presented to the user.

The user typed text is added as additional filter to the configured query.

Typical queries:

type:CAS for:me

all cases that are assigned to me

type:TSK for:me,unassigned

all tasks that are either directly assigned to me or are unassigned

type:CAS app:foo

all cases that belong to the foo App

See section Searches in the User guide to learn more about the search syntax and about all possible search terms.


Used to compose a user friendly string from the work item.

The prefix to select an variable from the work item item. Literals have to be enclosed in quotes, attributes and literals can be concatenated with +.

So if the format is 'Group: ' + item.name then the work item is shown to the user as Group: edoras one User.

Navigation view

Used to set the target view for the link.

Possible values are:

  • Browse ⇒ The link points to the form view of the work item

  • Preview ⇒ The link points to the preview view of the work item


Used to define the tab where the linked work item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name

Multi selection

False if only one option can be selected, true if multiple options can be selected.

If true then the selected options are stored as a list in the data model.


5.5.5. Static autocomplete select attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The static autocomplete select form component supports the required and the invalid selection validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.


Defines the options from which the user can choose. Each option has a name and a value: the name is shown to the user whereas the value is stored in the data model.


Navigation URL

Used to set a link icon to the left of each option in the list and each selected option. The Navigation URL defines the URL to navigate to when the user clicks a link icon.

The navigation URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

The prefix to select an attribute from the option is $item. The following two option attributes are available:


the name that is shown to the user


the value that is stored in the data model

So if the navigation URL is https://www.google.ch/search?q={{$item.value}} then the link URL results in https://www.google.ch/search?q=edorasware.


Multi selection

False if only one option can be selected, true if multiple options can be selected.

If true then the selected options are stored as a list in the data model.


5.5.6. Static select attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The static select form component supports the required and the invalid selection validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.


Defines the options from which the user can choose. Each option has a name and a value: the name is shown to the user whereas the value is stored in the data model.


5.6. Read only form components

The read only form components allow to present information, to add navigation functionality, and to split a form into section.

Form component Description

Used to show static rich text.

The rich text can be formatted in various ways: regular, bold, italic, ordered list, unordered list, headings, and much more.


Used to show a list of options that are returned by a custom REST endpoint.

The dynamic list of options is build at runtime by calling a custom REST endpoint that the modeler has configured. The rest list form component can be used to enable simple navigation inside your App. For this the modeler can configure the links that are followed when the user clicks one of the options in the list.


Used to show a list of work items that are returned by edoras one.

The dynamic list of work items is build at runtime by calling calling edoras one with a query that the modeler has configured. The rest list form component can be used to enable simple navigation inside your App. For this the modeler can configure the links that are followed when the user clicks one of the options in the list.


Used to show an image.


Used to show a generic link.


A link which navigates to a specific initialization form for a new work item to be created based on a given model you can select in the work item model attribute


Used to show a link that navigates to a list of work items returned by a search using a specified query.


A link which renders a text including the numbers of elements returned by a count query you can specify.

The link text can be configured to show the number of elements returned by the query. Clicking the link navigates to the result of the query.


A link which renders a text including the numbers of elements returned by a REST endpoint.

The link text can be configured to show the number of elements returned by the REST query. Clicking the link navigates to the result of the REST query.


Used to show a button that points to a generic URL.


A button with a link which navigates to a specific initialization form for a new work item to be created based on a given model you can select in the work item model attribute


A button which calls an endpoint and redirects to a workitem view depending on the result.


Button which executes a query and stores the result in a variable. In combination with a sub form, this allows to create search-like forms. If the button is clicked, the search is executed, the result stored in the variable and the subform will show the entries accordingly. If the query is using expression bound to search fields, you can create search forms this way.


A button which makes a call to an url and sets the result in the model, with timer interval capability.


A button which saves in a variable the result of a script.


A button which saves in a variable the result of a script and shows a text based on the result.


A container that can only contain button components and has properties which affect the group of buttons contained.


Used to show a horizontal line.

The Horizontal line form component is useful to structure large forms by splitting the form into sections, e.g. basic information, detail information, address, …


Used to preview documents as pdf. It can preview formats like doc or txt in addition to pdf.

the functionality of the REST list and the List form components is similar. The only difference is that the REST list form component uses a custom REST endpoint to load the displayed items (which can be of any format) whereas the List form component uses edoras one to load the displayed work items.
the functionality of the REST query link and the Query link form component is similar. The only difference is that the REST query link form component uses a custom REST endpoint to load the number of found elements whereas the Query link form component uses edoras one to load the number of found elements.
the functionality of the Link and the Link button as well as the Query link and the Query link button is similar. The only difference is that the Link and the Query link form components are rendered as links whereas the Link button and the Query link button form components are rendered as buttons.

5.6.1. Output text area attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Output text area form component does not support the Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

The Value attribute of a Output text area form component is rich text which supports the following formatting options (see toolbar buttons in the image below): bold, italic, and underline text style, font size, foreground and background color, left, center, and right text alignment, headline, sub-headline, and section headline style, ordered and unordered list, text indentation, horizontal line, links.


5.6.2. REST list attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The REST list form component does not support the Value, the Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Query URL

Used to load the items that are presented to the user from a URL.

The query URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

The list form component expects the items to be returned as list of JSON objects, e.g.

[ {
  "id" : "GEAR-a65c4a12-20b4-45d8-bb09-2105be7f0d1f",
  "title" : "edoras one Modeler",
  "value" : "GEAR-a65c4a12-20b4-45d8-bb09-2105be7f0d1f"
}, {
  "id" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac",
  "title" : "edoras one User",
  "value" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac"
} ]

List title

Used to define the title that is shown in the header of the list.

The list title attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Used to compose a user friendly string from the JSON item.

The prefix to select an attribute from the JSON item is item. Literals have to be enclosed in quotes, attributes and literals can be concatenated with +.

So if the JSON item looks like

  "id" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac",
  "title" : "edoras one User",
  "value" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac"

then a format of 'Group: ' + item.title results in Group: edoras one User being presented to the user for this JSON item.

Minimum number of visible items

Used to define the minimum height of the list.

The list height is forced to a height that can show at least a certain number of items. If the concrete list has less items then the missing space is filled with empty items. For example if there are 5 items to show and the minimum height is 10 then the list height is forced to a height that can show 10 items.


Maximum number of visible items

Used to define the maximum height of the list.

The list height is forced to a height that can show at most a certain number of items. If the concrete list has more items then the list shows a scroll with which the user can scroll in the list. For example if there are 15 items to show and the minimum height is 10 then the list height is forced to a height that can show 10 items.


Navigation URL

Used to define the URL to navigate to when the user clicks an item in the list.

The navigation URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

The prefix to select an attribute from the JSON option is $item.

So if the JSON item looks like

  "id" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac",
  "title" : "edoras one User",
  "value" : "GEAR-c641f3bb-876e-45f4-9550-ef95ef5a2fac"

then a navigation URL of /GRP/{{$item.id}}/browse results in /GRP/GEAR-3456061f-4892-4ef4-b234-69217201cd09/browse being invoked when the user clicks the item in the list.


Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name

5.6.3. List attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The List form component does not support the Value, the Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.


The edoras one query that is used to load the work items for the list.

Typical queries:

type:CAS for:me

all cases that are assigned to me

type:TSK for:me,unassigned

all tasks that are either directly assigned to me or are unassigned

type:CAS app:foo

all cases that belong to the foo App

See section Searches in the User guide to learn more about the search syntax and about all possible search terms.

List title

Used to define the title that is shown in the header of the list.

The list title attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Used to compose a user friendly string from the work item.

The prefix to select an variable from the work item item. Literals have to be enclosed in quotes, attributes and literals can be concatenated with +.

So if the format is 'Group: ' + item.name then the work item is shown to the user as Group: edoras one User.

Minimum number of visible items

Used to define the minimum height of the list.

The list height is forced to a height that can show at least a certain number of items. If the concrete list has less items then the missing space is filled with empty items. For example if there are 5 items to show and the minimum height is 10 then the list height is forced to a height that can show 10 items.


Maximum number of visible items

Used to define the maximum height of the list.

The list height is forced to a height that can show at most a certain number of items. If the concrete list has more items then the list shows a scroll with which the user can scroll in the list. For example if there are 15 items to show and the minimum height is 10 then the list height is forced to a height that can show 10 items.


Navigation view

Used to set the target view for the link.

Possible values are:

  • Browse ⇒ The link points to the form view of the work item

  • Preview ⇒ The link points to the preview view of the work item


Used to define the tab where the linked work item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name

5.6.4. Image attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Image form component does not support the Value, Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Source URL

Used to define the URL from which the image is loaded.

The source URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

This can be an absolute URL like http://www.activiti.org/images/edorasware_logo.png or a relative URL that points to the content of a document work item, for example rest/workobjects/GEAR-faded1c0-a147-4fb1-9875-e13b185b0abe/content.

Maximum height

Used to define the maximum height of the image.

If set then the height of the Image form component is forced to that height, which means the contained image is scaled down to that height. If not set then the height of the Image form component is equals to the height of the contained image.

Refresh time (seconds)

Used to define a refresh internal in seconds.

The image is reloaded every x seconds, where x is the defined refresh time. This is useful if the Source URL attribute point to a dynamic image that can change over time.

Navigation URL

Used to define the URL to navigate to when the user clicks the image.

The navigation URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Link form component does not support the Value, Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Link text

The attribute is used to define the link text.

Navigation URL

Used to define the URL to navigate to when the user clicks the link.

The navigation URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Context variables

Parameters that can be added to the URL linked.A dialog is opened where the name and the value of the parameters are specified. The value of the parameter can be a frontend-expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.



Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name


Used to define the tooltip for the link.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Create Link form component does not support the Value, Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Link text

The attribute is used to define the link text.

Work item type

Type of the work item you want to create. The items can be Case, Task, Document or Process. The attribute can be set by a frontend-expression.See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Work item model

Select the models available to create, depending on the Work item type selected. The attribute can be set by a frontend-expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Context variables

Parameters that can be added to the URL linked.A dialog is opened where the name and the value of the parameters are specified. The value of the parameter can be a frontend-expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Hide selectors

If its value is true, the template and parent selectors will be hidden. This only happens if the parameters (modelId and parentId) of the creation page where we are going to navigate are defined in the url.


Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name


Used to define the tooltip for the link.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Search Link form component does not support the Value, Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Link text

The attribute is used to define the link text.


The edoras one query that is used to load the work items for the list.

Typical queries:

type:CAS for:me

all cases that are assigned to me

type:TSK for:me,unassigned

all tasks that are either directly assigned to me or are unassigned

type:CAS app:foo

all cases that belong to the foo App

See section Searches in the User guide to learn more about the search syntax and about all possible search terms.

Show as button

If it’s wanted to show the link as a button


Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name


Used to define the tooltip for the link.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Link form component does not support the Value, Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Link text

The attribute is used to define the link text.

The Link text attribute attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax. The value attribute supports the special $count frontend expression which represents the result count of the query. The value attribute as well supports different texts for singular and plural depending on the result counts. The syntax for this is [singular text|plural text].

So a value of $count case [|s] results in 1 case or 21 cases depending on the result count.


The edoras one query that is used to load the work items for the list.

Typical queries:

type:CAS for:me

all cases that are assigned to me

type:TSK for:me,unassigned

all tasks that are either directly assigned to me or are unassigned

type:CAS app:foo

all cases that belong to the foo App

See section Searches in the User guide to learn more about the search syntax and about all possible search terms.


Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name


Used to define the tooltip for the link.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Link form component does not support the Value, Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Link text

The attribute is used to define the link text.

The Link text attribute attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax. The value attribute supports the special $count frontend expression which represents the result count of the REST query. The value attribute as well supports different texts for singular and plural depending on the result counts. The syntax for this is [singular text|plural text].

So a value of $count user [|s] results in 1 user or 21 users depending on the result count.

Count URL

Used to define the URL that returns the result count of the REST query.

The count URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Navigation URL

Used to define the URL to navigate to when the user clicks the link.

The navigation URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name


Used to define the tooltip for the link.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

5.6.10. Button attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Button form component does not support the Value, Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Button text

The attribute is used to define the button text.

The Button text can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Navigation URL

Used to define the URL to navigate to when the user clicks the button.

The navigation URL attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Context variables

Parameters that can be added to the URL linked. A dialog is opened where the name and the value of the parameters are specified. The value of the parameter can be a frontend-expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.



Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name

Button alignment

The alignment of the button can be Left or Right.


Used to define the tooltip for the button.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

5.6.11. Create Button attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Create button form component does not support the Value, Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Button text

The attribute is used to define the button text.

The Button text can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Work item type

Type of the work item you want to create. The items can be Case, Task, Document or Process. The attribute can be set by a frontend-expression.See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Work item model

Select the models available to create, depending on the Work item type selected. The attribute can be set by a frontend-expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Context variables

Parameters that can be added to the URL linked.A dialog is opened where the name and the value of the parameters are specified. The value of the parameter can be a frontend-expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Hide selectors

If its value is true, the template and parent selectors will be hidden. This only happens if the parameters (modelId and parentId) of the creation page where we are going to navigate are defined in the url.


Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name

Button alignment

The alignment of the button can be Left or Right.


Used to define the tooltip for the button.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Dynamic Link Button form component does not support the Value, Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Button text

The attribute is used to define the button text.

The Button text can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

REST url

The REST url where the info about the workitem is retrieved. The view where is redirected is optional.

Target view

Define the view where will be redirected if the view is not defined in the REST url. If any is defined it will be redirected to Browse view by default.

Context variables

Parameters that can be added to the URL linked. A dialog is opened where the name and the value of the parameters are specified. The value of the parameter can be a frontend-expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.



Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name

Button alignment

The alignment of the button can be Left or Right.


Used to define the tooltip for the button.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

5.6.13. Search button attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Search button form component does not support the Value, Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Button text

The attribute is used to define the button text.

The Button text can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Is used to store the query result once executed (e.g. {{searchresult}}). You can bind the same variable to a subform for instance in order to render the result returned by the query.


The edoras one query that is used to load the work items for the list.

Typical queries:

type:CAS for:me

all cases that are assigned to me

type:TSK for:me,unassigned

all tasks that are either directly assigned to me or are unassigned

type:CAS app:foo

all cases that belong to the foo App

See section Searches in the User guide to learn more about the search syntax and about all possible search terms.

Max result size

The maximum number of items being returned by the query in order to limit the result, might even be an expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Auto execute

Automatically executes the query during initialization of the form, if set to true, might even be an expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name

Button alignment

The alignment of the button can be Left or Right.


Used to define the tooltip for the button.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

5.6.14. REST button attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The REST button form component does not support the Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Button text

The attribute is used to define the button text.

The Button text can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Is used to store the REST endpoint result once executed (e.g. {{result}}). You can bind the same variable to a subform for instance in order to render the result returned by the REST endpoint.

REST url

Define the URL of the REST endpoint which returns the data.

Refresh time

The milliseconds interval to execute the button automatically in every tick. If it’s not defined it will not be executed automatically.

Auto execute

Automatically executes the rest request during initialization of the form, if set to true, might even be an expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Used to define the tab where the linked item is loaded.

Possible values are:

  • _blank ⇒ Load in a new tab

  • _self ⇒ Load in the same tab as it was clicked

  • tabname ⇒ Load in a named tab, if there is no tab with that name then a new tab is created with that name

Button alignment

The alignment of the button can be Left or Right.


Used to define the tooltip for the button.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

5.6.15. Script button attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Script button form component does not support the Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Button text

The attribute is used to define the button text.

The Button text can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Is used to store the returned value of the script once executed (e.g. {{scriptresult}}). e.g It’s possible to bind the variable to a text component in order to render the result returned by the script.


The script which will be executed.

Asynchronous result

If is set to true, the result will not be saved with the result of the script, it will be saved at any moment after we clicked the button. We will need to call returnAsyncValue(anyResult) to save the result at the moment when we want. e.g. result of a selection from a pop-up or an Ajax call.

Refresh time

The milliseconds interval to execute the button automatically in every tick. When is empty, it will not be executed automatically.

Auto execute

If it is set to true, the script is executed automatically during initialization of the form. It might even be an expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Button alignment

The alignment of the button can be Left or Right.


Used to define the tooltip for the button.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

5.6.16. Selection script button attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Selection Script button form component does not support the Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Button text

The attribute is used to define the button text.

The Button text can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Is used to store the returned value of the script once executed (e.g. {{scriptresult}}).


The script which will be executed.

Asynchronous result

If the value is true, the result is not saved with the result of the script. Instead, it is saved at any moment after the button is clicked. In this case, it is needed to call finishCallback('anyResult)' in order to save the result at the moment that is wanted. e.g. A result coming from a selection done in a pop-up or an Ajax call.

Refresh time

The milliseconds interval to execute the button automatically in every tick. When is empty, it will not be executed automatically.

Auto execute

If it is set to true, the script is executed automatically during initialization of the form. It might even be an expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.


Used to define the tooltip for the button.

The tooltip attribute can be expressed as a static value or as a frontend expression. See [frontend-expressions] to learn the frontend expression syntax.

Result format

Shows the result of the script in a text field. If the result is an object saved in the result variable, it is possible to display its properties by setting it to {{scriptResult .anyProperty}}

5.6.17. Pdf preview attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Pdf preview form component does not support the Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Document source type

Possible values are:

  • id ⇒ The document source is the application, so the document is internal.

  • url ⇒ The document source is an external url.

Document source

It depends on the prevous attribute, the Document source type:

  • id ⇒ The id of the document, could be a frontend expression or the id document.

  • url ⇒ An external url should be provided. The url should use https protocol.


Defines the height of the pdf preview.

Show border

If is set to true, the pdf preview will have a wrapper border.

5.6.18. Button group attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Button group form component does not support the Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

Button alignment

The alignment of the button group. It can be Right, Left or Center.

5.6.19. Horizontal line attributes

Attribute name Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Label attribute is used to define the title that is displayed inside the horizontal line.

The Horizontal line form component does not support the Default value and the Editable attribute, as these do not make sense for read only components.

5.7. Nesting form components

The nesting form components allow to nest components.

The data model of a nested form is usually stored in a nested data context. If configured that way the forms and the data model nest in a corresponding way: A field in a nested form then becomes a attribute in the nested data context.

Nested forms can be repeated. This way it is possible to define lists in the data model.

Usually nested forms are rendered in a way that the user can clearly see that the form fields belong to a nested form. But if desired nested forms can be rendered in a transparent way. The user can then not tell if a field comes from the main form or from a nested form.

Form component Description

Used to nest forms of a single type.


Used to nest forms of mutiple types.


5.7.1. Single-type subform attributes

Attribute Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Value attribute is used to define the nested data context. This means if the Value is set to foo then all data inside the subform is stored in the foo attribute of the data model.

The Single-type subform form component does not support the Label position, the Default value, and the Description attribute, as these do not make sense for nesting components.


The single-type subform form component supports the minimum number of children and the maximum number of children validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.

Form reference

Used to define the form that is rendered in place of the subform.

The editor for this attribute allows to pick an existing form or to create a new one.


Multiple entries

Used to define if the user can repeat the form or not.


Entity display name

Used to define the text for the add button.

Show border

Used to define if the form inside the subform form component is rendered nested or not.

If true the form is rendered in a nested way and the user can clearly see that this is a nested form. If false the form is rendered in a transparent way and the user cannot distinguish if a field comes form the main form or from the nested form.


5.7.2. Multi-type subform attributes

Attribute Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.

The Value attribute is used to define the nested data context. This means if the Value is set to foo then all data inside the subform is stored in the foo attribute of the data model.

The Multi-type subform form component does not support the Label position, the Default value, and the Description attribute, as these do not make sense for nesting components.


The multi-type subform form component supports the minimum number of children and the maximum number of children validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.

The value stored in the discriminator attribute decides which form is used to display the data in the sub data context.

Form references

Used to define the forms that are rendered in place of the subform.

The editor to define the form references asks for a discriminator value, the form reference and display name. The discriminator value identifies the form reference and hence the form to be used inside the data model. The display name is used to define the text for the add button.


Multiple entries

Used to define if the user can repeat the form or not.

If true, additional buttons are rendered to let the user add new forms and remove existing ones.

Show border

Used to define if the form inside the subform form component is rendered nested or not.

If true the form is rendered in a nested way and the user can clearly see that this is a nested form. If false the form is rendered in a transparent way and the user cannot distinguish if a field comes form the main form or from the nested form.


5.8. Attachment form component


The attachment form component allows to attach files.

Attribute Description


See [common-attributes] to learn more about the common attributes.


The attachment form component supports the minimum files and the maximum files validation.

See [validation-attributes] to learn more about validation.

Preview type

Used to define the preview type.

The following values are allowed:


display no preview


display an icon that identifies the file type as preview


display a thumbnail of the attached file as preview, the thumbnail is generated in the backend

Thumbnail maximum height

Used to define the maximum height of the thumbnail.

This attribute is only available when the preview type is Thumbnail.

Select file message

Used to define the message that is shown to the user inside the attachment form component.

By default the attachment form component shows Please select file to the user.

6. Process Palette

This section describes the elements available in the process modelling palette of edoras one. Each modeling element and it’s corresponding attributes are described in detail below. Since edoras one is based on BPMN 2.0 huge parts of the modelling capabilities come from there. Currently, edoras one does not support the full BPMN 2.0 standard for execution. The process palette contains only the BPMN2.0 elements that are currently supported by the engine. Besides the BPMN 2.0 standard elements, edoras one provides some dedicated process activities that can be used within the processes. These edoras one specific activities are dedicated implementations of BPMN 2.0s generic service task. They are implemented using the custom extensions hook of BPMN 2.0 so if you import a process model to another system that supports BPMN 2.0 these activities are considered as generic service tasks.

There are several attributes, that are available for all modelling elements:

Table 3. Common attributes
Attribute Name Description


The name of the element, displayed on the diagram. This attribute is not equal to the id of the element.


Use this attribute to add any documentation / description to the element. The content of the element can not be displayed on the model graphics, but is exported to the BPMN 2.0 XML.

Custom Properties

Define arbitrary properties as key value pairs. The attribute is exported to the BPMN 2.0 XML and can be accessed at runtime.

Background Colour

Specify the background colour of the element in the diagram.

Border Colour

Specify the border colour of the element in the diagram.

6.1. Start Event

A none start event technically means that the trigger for starting the process instance is unspecified. This means that the engine cannot anticipate when the process instance must be started.

Figure 7. Graphical Representation
Table 4. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Attribute Type



Any sub-process has always to start with a none start event.

6.2. Message start event

A message start event can be used to start a process instance using a named message. This effectively allows us to select the right start event from a set of alternative start events using the message name.

When deploying a process definition with one or more message start events, the following considerations apply:

  • The name of the message start event must be unique across a given process definition. A process definition must not have multiple message start events with the same name. edoras one throws an exception upon deployment of a process definition such that two or more message start events reference the same message of if two or more message start events reference messages with the same message name.

  • The name of the message start event must be unique across all deployed process definitions. edoras one throws an exception upon deployment of a process definition such that one or more message start events reference a message with the same name as a message start event already deployed by a different process definition.

  • Process versioning: Upon deployment of a new version of a process definition, the message subscriptions of the previous version are cancelled. This is also true for message events that are not present in the new version.

Figure 8. Graphical Representation
Table 5. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description


6.3. Error start event

An error start event can be used to trigger an Event Sub-Process. An error start event cannot be used for starting a process instance.

An error start event is always interrupting.

Figure 9. Graphical Representation
Table 6. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description

Error code

The error code associated to the event.

6.4. Timer start event

A timer start event is used to create process instance at given time. It can be used both for processes which should start only once and for processes that should start in specific time intervals.


A subprocess cannot have a timer start event.


Start timer event is scheduled as soon as process is deployed. There is no need to to start an instance explicitly, although starting a process is not restricted and will cause one more starting of the process at the time invocation.


When a new version of a process with a start timer event is deployed, the job corresponding with the previous timer will be removed. The reasoning is that normally it is not wanted to keep automatically starting new process instances of this old version of the process.

Figure 10. Graphical Representation
Table 7. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description

Timer properties

Opens a dialog to specify when the timer should fire.

6.5. Message intermediate catching event

Message Intermediate Catching Events are used to model wait state for particular message event with a specified name. After message catching process instance continues in its execution.

Message Intermediate Catching Event style rules: * By convention, message intermediate catching events are named after the event they are waiting for. (e.g. "Additional data received")

Figure 11. Graphical Representation
Table 8. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description

Message name

The name of the message that the event is waiting for

Operation name

6.6. Timer intermediate catching event

Timer Intermediate Catching Events are used to model wait state driven by a time.

Timer Intermediate Catching Event style rules: * By convention, timer intermediate catching events are named after the event they are waiting for. (e.g. "Delivery deadline reached")

Figure 12. Graphical Representation
Table 9. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description

Timer properties

A wizard to configure the timer

6.7. End event

A none end event means that the result thrown when the event is reached is unspecified. As such, the engine will not do anything extra besides ending the current path of execution.

Figure 13. Graphical Representation
Table 10. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description


6.8. Error end event

When process execution arrives in an error end event, the current path of execution is ended and an error is thrown. This error can caught by a matching intermediate boundary error event. In case no matching boundary error event is found, an exception will be thrown.

Figure 14. Graphical Representation
Table 11. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description

Error code

The error code associated to the event.

6.9. User Task

A user task is used to model work that needs to be done by a human actor. When the process execution arrives at such a user task, a new task is created in the task list of the user(s) or group(s) assigned to that task.

Figure 15. Graphical Representation
Table 12. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description


Selection of the loop type. See Multi Instance to know more about loops.


The task guid. It can not be edited.

Form Reference

Select a form to be attached to the current task. You can also directly create a new form from here


Set the owner of the task by selecting an existing user statically

Owner (RT)

Use a backend expression to evaluate the owner dynamically at runtime


Set the assignee of the task by selecting an existing user statically

Assignee (RT)

Use a backend expression to evaluate the assignee dynamically at runtime

Candidate Users

Set the candidate users of the task by selecting existing users statically

Candidate Users (RT)

Use a backend expression to evaluate the candidate users dynamically at runtime

Candidate Groups

Set the candidate users of the task by selecting existing groups statically

Candidate Groups (RT)

Use a backend expression to evaluate the candidate groups dynamically at runtime


Set the priority of the task by using a literal or a backend expression. The priority is not currently not supported at runtime

Due Date

Set the due date of the task. The due date is currently not supported at runtime

Allowed actions

The allowed actions of the task can be edited. If they are removed, will not appear in one. The Assign, Share and Create Variables can be selected or removed.

Mail Attributes

Refer to Send Mail Service Task for the usage of these attributes. By using this attribute section, you cause the engine to additionally send an email when the task is created

6.10. Manual task

A Manual task defines a task that is external to the BPM engine. It is used to model work that is done by somebody, which the engine does not need to know of, nor is there a system or UI interface. For the engine, a manual task is handled as a pass-through activity, automatically continuing the process from the moment process execution arrives into it.

Figure 16. Graphical Representation
Table 13. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description


6.11. Create Case Service Task

The Create Case Service Task can be used to create a new case from within a process. Input data for the new case can be mapped and the newly created case can be referenced form the current case if needed.

Figure 17. Graphical Representation
Table 14. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description


Selection of the loop type. See Multi Instance to know more about loops.

Case Model

Select a case model for the new case to be created

Init Variables

Specify additional variables that should be initialized during the creation of the new case

Case Name

Set the name of the new case using literals or backend expressions

CaseId Variable

specify a variable name where the id of the newly created case should be stored in the current case. This is optional

6.12. Create case from subform service task

The create case from subform service Task is an itemization of the create case service task. Here you can specify a variable (subform) of the current workitem hierarchy as the input values for the new case instead of binding all input parameters manually.

Figure 18. Graphical Representation
Table 15. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description


Selection of the loop type. See Multi Instance to know more about loops.

Case Model

Select a case model for the new case to be created

Init Variables

Specify additional variables that should be initialized during the creation of the new case

Case Name

Set the name of the new case using literals or backend expressions

CaseId Variable

specify a variable name where the id of the newly created case should be stored in the current case. This is optional

Subform Variable

Specify the variable name where the subform to create the new case from is bound to

Remove Subform Variable

If set to true, the variable of the subform will be removed from the data model after creating the case

6.13. Create document service task

edoras one allows to enhance business processes with document creation service tasks. The create document service task creates a copy of the specified document template insid the current case. In case the document template is either a MS Word or Adobe PDF form, form fields will automatically be populated with execution data. Refer to Document Placeholders for more information.

Figure 19. Graphical Representation
Table 16. Specific attributes
Attribute Name Description


Selection of the loop type. See Multi Instance to know more about loops.

Document Model

Select a document model for the new document to be created

Document Id variable name