edoras one - Release Notes

Version 1.5.0.S58

Hello everyone

CLD 1.5.0.S58 of edoras one is now available:

In this sprint release, we have added two new form components. There are now a Search Button component and a Search Link component available. We have also enhanced the configuration and behavior of the Subform component. Also, the visualization of the Attachment component is now more similar to the visualization of the Subform component.

In forms, it is now possible to invoke the default action through the keyboard short-cut Ctrl+s / Cmd+s, depending on the user's operating system. This makes data entry via keyboard more user-friendly.

The behavior of the dashboard switcher is now more intuitive in terms of the pre-selected dashboard and the order of the displayed dashboards.

The edoras one online documentation is now accessible right from within edoras one by clicking on the help icon next to the user menu.

Work item searches now support to search by the id of a work item.

Both edoras one and edoras gear now fully support multi-instance service tasks. In combination with subforms, this is a very powerful feature. There is also a new service task available in the process palette of edoras one that allows to apply a configurable set of variables on the work items that result from invoking a work item query.

On the technical side, the front-end now heavily relies on the UI permissions defined on the server-side. This makes sure, the UI behavior is very consistent and controllable from the server-side.

We have also significantly improved the performance of looking up a model definition in a auto-complete component.

edoras one and edoras gear have been upgraded to the latest version of Activiti 5.15.1.

Regards, edoras one team

High-level Goals

  • Provide new service task 'Initialize variables on query results'
  • Support multi-instance service tasks
  • Support search by id
  • Provide new Search Button component
  • Provide new Search Link component
  • Enhance Subform component configuration and behavior
  • Highlight affected entries when mouse hovers over buttons of Subform component or Attachment component
  • Integrate online help
  • Enhance behavior of the dashboard switcher
  • Allow to save a modified form using keyboard shortcut Ctrl+s / Cmd+s
  • Make front-end rely on server-side permissions
  • Improve server-side performance of lookup of model definitions used by Auto-Complete components
  • Upgrade to latest edoras gear version which contains Activiti 5.15.1

Migration Notes

  • Upgraded edoras one to Activiti 5.15.1, database upgrade scripts are available for all supported databases


  • None